Thursday, February 18, 2010


If you watch television, listen to the radio, search the internet, or watch movies there is no doubt that mainstream media has had some effect on our thoughts, attitudes, behaviors, beliefs, and world view. As much as we fight to protect ourselves from such influence, at least what we are aware of, it is inevitable that an overlap will happen. If there is one area that has been dramatically impacted through this overlap would be the overall view and foundation of the ideology of LOVE. Love means many different things and to most has multiple interpretations. The Bible, however, is very clear on what love is, based on the perfect theology of love which was demonstrated from originator of love, God, through His son Jesus Christ.

If you study scripture, loving like Christ always refers to a love that requires sacrifices. 1 John 4:10 says “This is real love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins”. Real love, in essence, is not loving someone who already loved you but loving through sacrifice without condition. In fact scripture explains that only loving those who love you has no reward and is no different from the love that comes from a sinner. This type of love is so essential to the daily life of a believer that the removal of it, as we see in 1 Corinthians 13, turns the tongues of angels into a noisy gong, the gift of prophecy into meaning nothing, the faith to move mountains into doing nothing and every act of generosity into gaining nothing. Increasing the magnitude of loving or not loving is 1 John 4:8 which says, “Anyone who does not love does not know God”. This verse is not just saying that if you do not love, you do not know God but is actually saying that if you do not love – as in the way the Christ defines love, with sacrifice and without condition - then you do not know Christ.

If we truly know Him then we will love like Him. When is the last time you have loved an enemy or prayed for an individual who persecuted you? We must not let the world’s distortion of love effect the demonstration of God’s love through us. “No one has ever seen God. But if we love each other, God lives in us, and His love is brought to full expressions in us” – 1 John 4:12. God is dependent on us loving like Him so that the world can see the full expression of His love in us.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Are You Stewarding The Little Things?

One of the most basic principles that we see as a constant throughout the bible is stewardship. Those who are faithful with a little will be entrusted with much more. This principle suggest that the simplest way to advance, grow, or increase in whatever area in your life that you desire to is directly dependent on stewarding what you currently have. The exciting element of this principle is that we are all given a measure to start with whether faith, favor, talent, finance or gifting we all have something to steward. No matter how big or how small the measure may initially be; the practice of stewardship results in an increase of that measure. Pretty basic, yes, but this basic principle is easily ignored and constantly overlooked. How so? If you are stagnant in your walk, finances, business, marriage, or relationship with God it most likely hinges on some element in those areas that has not been stewarded. What you steward increases and brings you into another level of growth and another level of stewardship. More importantly what you do not steward usually diminishes and in many cases is completely taken away.

Heres the bigger picture to access all that God has destined for you to possess is directly dependent on stewarding what He has already been given. And within your God given destiny and eternal purpose we know that what God has created and destined you to do is designed to have an impact on others. Our calling always results in changing or impacting lives, cities, states, and nations. So an increase in the ability, anointing, power and position to affect the lives of others is directly dependant on stewarding the lives of those that God has currently placed in your life.

This is where it gets interesting. In Matthew 25:34-45 Jesus is speaking about the Day of Judgment. In this passage a picture is painted of the righteous (those who will enter into heaven) being separated from the unrighteous (those who will be sent to eternal damnation). In this moment of judgment Jesus says to the righteous, "'Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you. For I was hungry, and you fed me, I was thirsty, and you gave me drink. I was a stranger, and you invited me into youre your home. I was, naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick, and you cared for me. I was in prison, and you visited me. To this the righteous and unrighteous responded, Lord when did we ever see you hungry, thirsty, naked, sick, in prison, or a stranger'". The response to this question is alarming - 'I tell you the truth, what you do to you the least of my brothers or sisters you do to me'.
The foundation of the passage alone is based on the fact that what you do or don't do to the least of those among you, the needed, sick, poor, hungry, and naked, - you do to Jesus. It is amazing that what separated the righteous from the unrighteous was not sin or even salvation it was how they treated the least of those among them or in essence how they stewarded the least of those that had been placed in their life. Are you stewarding the least of those in your life ? Do you help the poor, care for the widow, care for the homeless, do you stop for the one? These are the easiest people to ignore, to overlook, to justify not helping, and to simply forget about but if we do that then our destiny on earth and in eternity will be compromised.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The Truth Of Christ Is More Than Just Words

I am convinced that many of us are living a Christianl life that is the product of a culture that emphasizes concept and principle above demonstration and experience.  For example you can attend a business school and earn a degree through classes that are taught by individuals who have never started a business nor achieved anything in the business arena.  What is even more facinating is that their qualification for being able to teach you is based on their ability to teach  - and attending and passing the very same classes you are now taking from them.  Western church culture is often no different.  Seminary for example, could educate you for years on the theology behind the "love of Christ" its greek and hebrew origin, the scriptual context and versus in which it exists but at the same time never introduce you into a living experience of His love - or leading you to live a life that constantly demonstrates it.

The alarming truth is that we applaud and value concept so much that we think we know something when we can recite it or explain it.  I believe that the knowledge of something stems from the truth of it, and genuine truth must lead to an experience and an experience will bring you into greater understanding of what has been made known.  Many believers stop short of a divine encounter because of thier satisfaction with good theology or doctrine. And In many cases doctrine downplays experience and faults peopel who pursue one. This concept, however, should be disqualified by a the world that has been changed by the experience of Jesus Christ not simply the knowledge of him.

Think about it. The disciples were radically transformed through the experience of Jesus not simply the words he spoke.This is why when Jesus spoke his words were either followed by a demonstration of what He was speaking about - or he spoke after a demonstration of Himself in an individual who had just encountered the living God.  We also know that the words of Jesus were spirit and life which meant that there was never a seperation between what was spoken and what was then instantly birthed into existance resulting in some sort of tangible experience.  It is in this light that I propose that transformation does not take place because I know what the bible says or that I can recite it..transformation takes place because what the bible says has been manifested in our lives in some form of personal experience.

The bottom line is that God must be encountered.  If we live and contend for this then we can not be sastified with just words about Him.  I believe that it is an absolute injustice to speak about an attribute of God, for example: His love, His healing touch, or His power but then limit the revelation of what we have spoken by how good we explain it versus what is actually demonstrated and experienced after we are done talking. 

The truth of the God we serve must be validated by a living encounter with that truth.  As believers we are called to be a walking and living encounter of God for others.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

What's Your Life Sentence?

Words, one of the most powerful resources known to mankind.  Think of what has been accomplished because of words. What a single word has started, has created, has stopped, or completed.  Words that start a revolution, "I have a dream". Words that start wars, "give me liberty or give me death". Words that change your life forever, "I do". Words of defeat, "I give up". Words of excitement, "it's a boy". Words or degradation, "your stupid". Words of transformation, "Father, forgive them".  It is absolutely amazing how something so small, something as simple as a single word such as - yes or no - can change your attitude, your thoughts, your words, your dreams, your life, and your destiny forever.

I believe that words create worlds.  Our words actually impregnate the atmosphere, creating new realities and realms that our lives eventually occupy through the agreement of what was spoken.  I am sure that everyone reading this is thinking, "yah, I know the tongue is powerful - yah, I know what I say is important" but what amazes me is how often we abuse this truth.  The question you must ask yourself is what is coming out of your mouth.  What are you saying about your day, about your life, about your wife and kids?  What are you saying about those you work with or work for?  What are you saying about your future? Or what has been said about you that you are agreeing with?  What world are you creating for yourself and for others?

Words, spoken or written, in a single sentence can actually create a life sentence.

Monday, August 31, 2009

There Is So Much More...

If there is one thing that I have become convinced of at the young age of 27 is that there is simply so much more to this amazing thing called "life". I say this not to draw any unnecessary attention to the things in life that you don't have but to the things in life that you should have.  The statistics show that only 30% of Americans actually feel that they are living, and or ,have lived a life that utilizes all of there talents and giftings while appealing to their passions and maximizing their potential. What does this mean?? That 7 out of every 10 people will suffer from a life that is defined by unsatisfaction, regret, disappointment, and overall some feeling of failure. Why?

Why are we not living the lives that we are capable of living. Sure such words as discipline and choices play a part of the process but no matter what you have or haven't done today there is always a new tomorrow.  Some of the most successful people in the world failed miserably multiple times before achieving great success or fulfillment in their lives. In fact, most progress in life is built on the premise of failure.  Think about it, when you were a baby how many times did you try to crawl before you actual could, how many times did you have to fall before you could stand, how many times did you stumble before you could walk, and how many cute sounds did your mouth form before an actual word was produced.  What's even more amazing is, that as an infant, every effort towards a new goal is never considered a failure no matter what result that effort produces.You are not disappointed at your child for not walking the first time they try but rather overwhelmed with excitement because they took their first steps.

 So if failure can produce progress then it is not fair to credit failure with an unfulfilled life.  So what truly lies behind the alarming statistic of only 30% of people being fulfilled with their life? I personally believe that this number exists because we have become a people that have lost the ability to dream.  Think about it, when you were a little kid what was the one question that was always asked??? "What do you want to be when you grow up"- and any answer was a great answer - no matter how impossible. Then when you graduated from high school that questions begins to change into, "here is what you can possibly be based on what you did or choose to do" if you go or don't go to college, have good grades, are not pregnant, have not dropped out, etc.,etc.  Then if you make it to college and through college you are now limited by what you have studied and, for the majority, the financial burden of students loans for the next 10 years of your life.  Now, that childhood question has evolved from a question geared towards your dreams and surrounded by limitless possibilities - into a confining life sentence of "here are the only things possible for you to be, now that you are grown up"And in this single statement your ability to dream is lost - because the world says that your dreams are no longer possible.

But what if you don't buy into to this process?  What if you don't want to become another statistic.  What if you actually began to dream again? What if you pursued every dream that you have? What would your life look like?  What would you do diffently every day? And what would happen if you celebrated every step and every effort towards your dreams no matter what the results were - just as an infant walking for the first time. If you dare to dream again and start pursuing those dreams today....I believe that this amazing thing called "your life" will never be the same again.